
Exhaustive Outpourings

Brielle Smith

Unknown Yet Not Uncertain

This was never actually intended to be a blog post, so forgive the weird formatting. It was simply a journal entry that came from some personal reflection. I realized just how hypocritical I can be in regards to the areas... Continue Reading →

Dust on Your Feet

Dear Sister, The moment you truly realize that your abuser is not a victim, you allow God to begin stripping away yet another vine that has bound you to feeling only sympathy for your abuser. The truth is this -... Continue Reading →

You’re not crazy, you’re just confused.

I think one of the hardest parts about healing from this kind of relationship is realizing that the person you are so deeply missing... he never really existed. So not only are you mourning the loss of a future you... Continue Reading →

A Pain Worthwhile

Processing and healing through the aftermath of an emotionally abusive relationship is by far the most difficult thing I have ever found myself doing. But, something occurred to me the other day, and I hope that if you (God forbid)... Continue Reading →

I am not an adventure to be desired. I am a woman to be loved.

Imagine with me that two people were in a loving romantic relationship, or even that they just had very strong romantic feelings for one another. Now imagine that in this relationship, the love was not a substantial "marriage love" and... Continue Reading →

A Promise Yet Fulfilled

During this time of living amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, I've experienced little bouts of fear and questioning and wondering what might happen next. I think the first time I actually felt a true sense of fear was earlier this month... Continue Reading →

Notes from February 20, 2020

Give yourself permission to rest. Give yourself permission not to be perfect. Give yourself permission to trust God that He has a plan, that He knows what this situation is, that He holds you in His hands (the safest place... Continue Reading →

Cultivating a Grateful Heart – Stream of Consciousness Prayer – November 2019

God, Thank you for saving me and making me your daughter. Thank you for allowing me to go through trials and hardships knowing there is a purpose on the other end and in the midst. Thank you that you have... Continue Reading →

Through the Earbuds

Music is a weak spot for me. If I let myself listen to music with unGodly messages too many days in a row, it starts to sink in. Don't get me wrong, I will be the first to tell you... Continue Reading →

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